Stewardship Corner: Volunteer!

by Brett Markham

When most people think of stewardship, they think of putting an offering in the plate on Sunday.  And there can be no question: a church needs offerings to keep the lights on!  But I want to address a different aspect of stewardship.

Everybody has something different to offer because all of our skills and circumstances are different.   Some of us have very little time, but have greater financial resources, so the most convenient way we can contribute is via Sunday offerings.  Others may be retired and have more time, but be on a fixed income.  Yet others may be physically challenged such that coming to services at all can be an undertaking.

And we all have different skills.  Perhaps we are familiar with accounting, or computer science, or carpentry or we have artistic skills — the list is endless.

What we all share is that we are thankful for the Lord’s gracious love and his provision of salvation even though, on our own, we are unworthy.   And in thanks and praise, we offer support for His Church.

To be a steward is to be a caretaker — to provide for the wellbeing of the Church that our Lord has entrusted to us.

We are all, every one of us, stewards of the Church.   We are not stewards out of obligation, but out of thanks and joy! Our stewardship helps us to share the Gospel and magnify the name of our Lord.

Every one of us is different.   Sometimes, what we have to offer is a smile and a handshake, or a nod of reassurance and sympathy to our brothers and sisters in Christ.   Sometimes, we have to hurry away after church on Sunday in order to catch a plane for work, but we can leave a generous offering behind.  Both of these are valuable.

But we also need our members to step forward and help with many other things.  We need someone to assume to task of being our Treasurer, which will amount to about 7 hours a month.   We need members to help prepare the altar before service, and to clean up after.  We need members to assist the Trustee in simple tasks like emptying the kitchen and bathroom trash, or running the vacuum. We need members to help with vacation bible school, and we need members to serve as offering monitors after service.

Individually, these are all simple things, often requiring less than five minutes a week, but they are important — just as important as any other contribution someone may make.  They are stewardship tasks that help keep the Church entrusted to us running and keep it open and welcoming for those who come to hear God’s healing word.

These are not things done out of duty or obligation — grace is freely given out of God’s love — but out of love and thanks.   Please give some thought to what you would like to do, and speak to the pastor or any member of our council.